Getting Consent to Discuss Someone Else's Medical Records

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Did You Know
  • Health Records are confidential so you can only access someone else’s records if you are authorised to do so.
  • Spouses and family members cannot get access without permission, even if you attend all their appointments with them.
  • This does not give you the right to view their record, or for us to give you information about them. Even if you need to check their appointments we cannot tell you.
  • GP records include information about medication, allergies, vaccinations, previous illnesses and test results, hospital discharge summaries, appointment letters and referral letters.
  • A request for someone’s health and care records should be made directly to us.
  • We will need the patient’s written consent if you wish to access their record.
  • We will need a signature from the patient you are contacting us on behalf of via the form below.

If you wish to request consent to access a patient's records please use the form below:

Your Personal Details
Patient Consent

Privacy Consent


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