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New Patient Registration 23/07/2024 15:45:09 Form: New Patient Registration 23/07/2024 13:47:29 Form: New Patient Registration Under 16 23/07/2024 13:03:28 Policy - Disability Access 19/07/2024 17:34:04 Form: Application for Online or Proxy Access 19/06/2024 17:48:28 PPG - About the Patient Group 23/05/2024 10:57:32 About the Surgery 17/05/2024 10:10:24 Form: Fit (Sick) Note 16/05/2024 10:43:58 Jobs 16/05/2024 09:19:31 Form: Communications Consent 15/05/2024 15:29:35 Self Help - Community Car Scheme 09/05/2024 15:03:25 Getting Consent to Discuss Someone Else's Medical Records 01/05/2024 17:50:31