

We support several different types of Primary Care studies which have been done ethically.

Supporting Research in Primary Care

Anyone registered with the practice could help shape the future of health care by considering and helping with research projects that you may be invited to participate in. Participation in any research is voluntary. You may refuse to take part in research without it affecting your usual medical care.

How patient information may be used for research?

All NHS organisations (including Health & Social Care in Northern Ireland) are expected to participate and support health and care research. The Health Research Authority and government departments in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales set standards for NHS organisations to make sure they protect your privacy and comply with the law when they are involved in the research. Our research ethics committees review research studies to make sure that the research uses of data about you are in the public interest and meet ethical standards.

Find out about how your information may be used in research and your rights

Current Research Studies

NOAR (Norfolk Arthritis Register)

NOAR (Norfolk Arthritis Register) is an ongoing study involving long-term follow-up of patients with possible inflammatory arthritis.

Learn more about the study


We are about to start this study which is looking at whether a low dose of aspirin daily can help prevent heart attacks and strokes in people with kidney disease. Specific criteria need to be met to be involved in this study.

Learn more about the study


BICS is a research study on the treatment of COPD. The study team is trying to find out if flare-ups of COPD can be prevented by using a tablet called Bisoprolol. Bisoprolol is a beta-blocker that has been widely used for a long time to treat heart problems, but it now seems that bisoprolol might also reduce flare-ups of COPD regardless of heart problems. 

Learn more about the study


We have recently been involved in this study where they were looking at optimizing medications in people in care homes. This study generated income and benefited the elderly patients in Care Homes. 

Learn more about the study

Join Dementia Research

We support the research and urge people to follow the link below if you would like to register support or interest in taking part in research about Dementia. Leaflets are available at reception.

Register your interest in Dementia Research